Saturday, September 18, 2010

Metaphorically Speaking

Recently I made up a "Poetry" unit for my 6/1 class. We read some Shel Silverstein classics, practiced rhyming words, and deciphered and wrote figurative-language sentences. Rhyming in English turned out to be pretty difficult for a lot of the students, but similes and metaphors - they aced it. Some highlights below:

At 11 years old, Jeffy already has the instincts of a worried parent:

Being big-boned, Tay bore the brunt of 6/1's creativity:

Cake speaks to college undergrads everywhere. Luckily, Art is pretty chill:

When science and sentiment combine:

Khoonsuek used the "example" metaphor off the board, but the illustration made up for it:

I guess this is hyberbolic in Thailand?

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